Fournier: Alice in Wonderland Playing Cards

03 Aug

These playing cards were printed by Fournier (Spain) in 2010. They are dedicated to Burton’s filming of the famous Carroll’s novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (pseudonym Lewis Carroll) was an English author who wrote the novel in 1865. Playing cards are among heroes of this novel. That is why it became quite popular for designing different custom decks (Nicole’s Alice in Wonderland deck, Bicycle The White Rabbit deck).

Timothy Walter “Tim” Burton is an American film director, film producer, artist, writer and animator. He has his own specific style of horror and fantasy movies. As a rule his films are full of dark, gothic, macabre and quirky elements. So Tim’s Alice in Wonderland (2010) happened to be a quite unique interpretation of the novel supported by Walt Disney Pictures and some other companies.

The deck: 52 different playing cards + 3 Jokers + 1 ad card. Poker size. Playing cards are printed on casino cardboard and have a smooth finish. The box has Fournier’s traditional design.




Ad card in the internal part of the box.


All aces have French (in some way traditional for them) indices  – “1” instead of “A”. Ace is a lower card in each suit for many European card games. So “1” was used on aces to indicate that aces have lower value than “2”.


Fournier – Alice in Wonderland Playing Cards: Ace and Number Cards

Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Ace-of-Spades Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Spades-3-4 Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Spades-5-6 Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Spades-7-8 Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Spades-9-10

Fournier – Alice in Wonderland Playing Cards: Court Cards

Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Spades-Jack-Queen Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-King-of-Spades


Fournier – Alice in Wonderland Playing Cards: Ace and Number Cards

Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Ace-of-Hearts Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Hearts-3-4 Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Hearts-5-6 Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Hearts-7-8 Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Hearts-9-10

Fournier – Alice in Wonderland Playing Cards: Court Cards

Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-Hearts-Jack-Queen Fournier-Alice-in-Wonderland-Playing-Cards-King-of-Hearts


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4 responses to “Fournier: Alice in Wonderland Playing Cards

  1. Cassie Stanley

    26.05.2015 at 00:53

    I’ve tried all of those and there isn’t any on there to purchase. I’ve emailed the company that makes them.

    • Collector

      29.05.2015 at 22:44

      Welcome on my site, Cassie.

      Unfortunately, I don’t understand your “I’ve tried all of those and there isn’t any on there to purchase…”.

      The article is devoted to the deck produced by Fournier (now it is owned by the United States Playing Card Company). The company doesn’t have their official store for collectable decks. You should search the deck on-line (eBay, Amazon and different on-line stores) or off-line (some stores in different countries have this deck).

      Two other decks are mentioned in the article just because they have the same theme. One of them was produced by Albino Dragon (there are two editions with different back designs). Bicycle The White Rabbit are the limited edition decks and out of stock. But they are still available on-line (from resellers).

      Nicole’s Alice in Wonderland deck is a deck on Etsy. It is still available from the designer. You should contact her on Etsy.

      I hope this information will be useful for you.

  2. Kimberly

    09.09.2014 at 16:16

    Where can I get these???

    • Collector

      13.09.2014 at 13:11

      Hi, Kimberly. Welcome on my blog.
      You should try eBay, Amazon or Google for that purpose.


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